Deep down in my memoir there is still that dumb pain of loosing our then-sensational- heroine Shrisha Karki, who dided unpopularly with that short-come POPULAR Nude photograph . She was just then 24-year-old when she killed herself over a nude photograph of her published in a tabloid. Shrisha Karki, a former model and television actress who was beginning to find jobs on the big screen, hanged herself on October 13.2002, four days after the newspaper printed the picture. People close to the actress said she was devastated by the photograph that appeared in the Jana Ashtha, or "People's Faith," a left-leaning weekly that is widely read for its exposes of official corruption. Her fiance was scandalised by the photo and, even though she tried to explain her side of the story, severed the relationship.
The final straw, a colleague of the late actress said, was when Karki walked into a beauty salon. A woman working at the parlour told her: "You're in a well-covered dress today. It seems you're used to being naked." Karki stormed out and a few hours later her body was found hanging from the staircase of her home.
This is an one side of the story , the other side -unwritten and infamous never appeared and heard then till this mobile blue-tooth sex visuals of NAMRATA SHRESTHA and POOJA LAMA (again actress and model) happend,back to back last month.When the news of NAMRATA SHRESTHA being alleged of a SEX VIDEO with her boy friend became public, many of us were shocked. Whether we liked it or not, we were led into following the news of that VIDEO, that seemed to be gushing forth out of papers and TV as if a water main had been burst.
I hold no grudge or ill will against anyone when I express my views. None of my comments are meant to be interpreted adversely. I am merely stating my own interpretation of events. I represent no parties in the legal dispute nor do I wish to impede on investigation by competent authorities.
More and more events unfolded as days went by. It was so dramatic with the new arrival of POOJA LAMA'S another shocking SEX VIDEO, where the previous was still an unsolved puzzle for the fans out there. Since then I found myself redoing the whole jig saw puzzle of NAMRATAand POOJA case over and over again to see how pieces were fitting with one another in overall scheme of things.
Out of sheer curiosity, I have followed the story and news articles and following is my analysis on what is going on behind these sensational(PUN Intended)
Much has been inked and said on these videos. Many are only pinpointing the female victims,not a single lip is muttering about and against the male partners in crime. Many so called philoshopers in filmdom and journalism are chewing their nails and seen red with this video viewing. They say this is ilegtimate,immoral. Oh hello, what is legtimate and moral when you don't rise your voice against fashion t.v, against late night pron discos,against the western BLUE FILMS that's been selling out and open in busy roads all over Nepal. I doubt many of you have this sexual fantasy of f*****g RAKHI SAWANT when you see her shower in Reality T.Vs. Why don't you question when KATHMANDU is selling visible skirts to its +2 colleges and whyonly bullshiting our some female newbie. Are they targeted? TIRED!!!!
At the very onset of these events, I had a feeling that Namrata /POOJA and (alsoLate SHRISHA) were being framed by unseen sinners for sake of money.
It is reasonable to assume this not just because money matters but also these are uprising and demanded actressess/models and only videos of famous faces do sell not of mine or yours.
Lastly, I pray and request all of you,please just run behind the best out of human beings ,why look bad when your concern is only good works by them. We don't get shocked when we view our genetials when we shower them..when we do with them. If you are normal,be normal with all these. The defination of legtimacy and morality is- let not any one peep our private life and private doings. After all, all these doings are a person's private affair. Who we are to cry from top roof?? We are no gods,so do we commit mistakes.
The final straw, a colleague of the late actress said, was when Karki walked into a beauty salon. A woman working at the parlour told her: "You're in a well-covered dress today. It seems you're used to being naked." Karki stormed out and a few hours later her body was found hanging from the staircase of her home.
This is an one side of the story , the other side -unwritten and infamous never appeared and heard then till this mobile blue-tooth sex visuals of NAMRATA SHRESTHA and POOJA LAMA (again actress and model) happend,back to back last month.When the news of NAMRATA SHRESTHA being alleged of a SEX VIDEO with her boy friend became public, many of us were shocked. Whether we liked it or not, we were led into following the news of that VIDEO, that seemed to be gushing forth out of papers and TV as if a water main had been burst.
I hold no grudge or ill will against anyone when I express my views. None of my comments are meant to be interpreted adversely. I am merely stating my own interpretation of events. I represent no parties in the legal dispute nor do I wish to impede on investigation by competent authorities.
More and more events unfolded as days went by. It was so dramatic with the new arrival of POOJA LAMA'S another shocking SEX VIDEO, where the previous was still an unsolved puzzle for the fans out there. Since then I found myself redoing the whole jig saw puzzle of NAMRATAand POOJA case over and over again to see how pieces were fitting with one another in overall scheme of things.
Out of sheer curiosity, I have followed the story and news articles and following is my analysis on what is going on behind these sensational(PUN Intended)
Much has been inked and said on these videos. Many are only pinpointing the female victims,not a single lip is muttering about and against the male partners in crime. Many so called philoshopers in filmdom and journalism are chewing their nails and seen red with this video viewing. They say this is ilegtimate,immoral. Oh hello, what is legtimate and moral when you don't rise your voice against fashion t.v, against late night pron discos,against the western BLUE FILMS that's been selling out and open in busy roads all over Nepal. I doubt many of you have this sexual fantasy of f*****g RAKHI SAWANT when you see her shower in Reality T.Vs. Why don't you question when KATHMANDU is selling visible skirts to its +2 colleges and whyonly bullshiting our some female newbie. Are they targeted? TIRED!!!!
At the very onset of these events, I had a feeling that Namrata /POOJA and (alsoLate SHRISHA) were being framed by unseen sinners for sake of money.
It is reasonable to assume this not just because money matters but also these are uprising and demanded actressess/models and only videos of famous faces do sell not of mine or yours.
Lastly, I pray and request all of you,please just run behind the best out of human beings ,why look bad when your concern is only good works by them. We don't get shocked when we view our genetials when we shower them..when we do with them. If you are normal,be normal with all these. The defination of legtimacy and morality is- let not any one peep our private life and private doings. After all, all these doings are a person's private affair. Who we are to cry from top roof?? We are no gods,so do we commit mistakes.