Saturday, August 21, 2010

Be the first one to witness the best  musical romantic Nepali Cinema of the year - 'KOHI MERO' ; all set to release on 27th AUGUST at your nearest theatre.

love will find you -This FRIDAY 27TH AUGUST

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Facebookers and FIRST LOVE (word) war on FACEBOOK!

It all started with FIRST LOVE guys writing about  their  recent success FIRST LOVE  in  their official face book wall.. but the posting was not that cool : read this what they said --. "FIRST  LOVE has CREATED HISTORY....most successful movie of decade...Still running houseful thats why KOHI MERO has to postponed its realese date...."

After a point, all those 'in' jokes and references start bugging the facebookers, particularly the fans (of Alok Nembang ) and supporters of KOHI MERO ; and of late they  too have started replying to this not so-cool-demoralising status of FIRST LOVE. Come on guys, are you that desperate in basking your glory just by humiliating a still-to-be realesed KOHI MERO.. It's a pity that you educated pigs of FIRST LOVE people are doing this. This isn't clever tongue-in-cheek stuff. It's plain unprofessional .

The wait will worth a watch. We are moving to the theatres on 27th AUGUST , LOVE will find you then. Visit :