Women often cry foul about hair loss. And, one of the most effective ways to curb hail fall and hair loss is ayurvedic hair loss treatment. Ayurvedic hair loss treatment has a holistic approach in which the basic dysfunction of the body is taken into consideration rather than trying to suppress the symptoms. Since Ayurveda diagnoses any disease based on the unique nature of an individual, the hair loss treatment varies depending on that.
Hair fall is considered to be a problem of pitta dosha in Ayurveda. This dosha develops in a person due to stress, consumption of yeast, meats, sugar and fast foods; alcohol, medicines, smoking and also excess intake of tea and coffee which imbalances the doshas.
Ayurvedic Remedies for Hair Loss Treatment in Women
Healthy Diet
You need to identify the bad eating habits that are contributing to the increase of pitta in your body. Replace those foods with healthy alternatives especially ones that are rich in fiber and protein. You should eat sesame seeds in the morning. Mix carrot, alfalfa juice and lettuce juice or lettuce and spinach juice for aiding in hair growth. Drink lot of water. You do need to flush out the toxins that have accumulated in your body and drinking water is the best of doing it.
Herbal Remedies
You need to use chemical-free products, i.e. avoid shampoos and conditioners. This is because they only contribute to the rise of pitta in your body. Use warm water to the level of your body temperature for washing your hair. If it is too hot, hair loss will be accentuated. Rinse your hair with boiled neem leaves after washing your hair. It helps to clean your scalp and promotes growth in hair follicles.
Use of Oils and Massage
There are different types of oils useful in hair fall – coconut oil, amla oil, brahmi oil, arnica oil or mustard oil. Honey can also be used to stimulate growth in hair follicles. Apple cidar vinegar can also be used for fast hair growth.
Yoga and Meditation
Inverted asanas such as Sarvangasana that tend to reverse the gravity on the body are best suited for treatment of hair loss. They stimulate the flow of blood to the head. Make sure you pratice such asanas under the guidance of a yoga teacher. What you must additionally do is practice deep breathing exercises to control stress, anxiety and keep your mind balanced.
The goal of all these ayurvedic remedies is to help you adopt a balanced lifestyle as it is considered the most effective way of hair loss treatment. Hair loss in women can be very trying and ayurvedic remedies offer the best solution.