Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The inner and outer world of Alok Nembang:Get him more CLOSER

I've known this person called Alok Nembang for a long span of time. He is always there for me for whenever i ask him a favour. For me he's a senior brother i can look upon, a trustworthy friend for my high and lows. Today when  i look back upon those memoirs of the first meeting with him ,he is a complete different person now. Every thing has changed,every single thing. He has moved big from directing music videos to two odd films. But still, he's the same. Same open book. And still i'm reading him. For many a people, he is a  film director, video coreographer, a TV celebrity, and one of the most successful young filmmakers in Nepali filmdom but for me Alok Nembang is more than this Adjectives.
      Yesterday we agreed to  talk on the topics that's not much of taste to the glamour birds and believe me that turned the most easy and surprising ride when he answered my not-so-funny questions. As for now Alok Nembang is almost ready with his second directorial feature 'Kohi Mero'(, so he's excited,chilled,drained and tensed with this new outing.
I have had his interview, on his film career,his ups and downs, and especially on KOHI MERO, which is near to release. But for the moment enjoy reading The inner and outer world of Alok Nembang.

1.What's your state of mind now ?

CHILLED....i guess..haha..honestly speaking i don't know.

2.What was your nickname in school ?

AALOO..some people still call me that.

3.What are the three essential ingridients of love ?

Trust,trust & trust.

4.Which has been the most memorable telephone call of your life ?

 Still waiting for one...Karthik calling karthik..

5.Which is your favourite part of human body ?

It has to be the HEART..dhak dhak..

6.What's the weirdest thing you've put in mouth ?

I am very careful of what i put in my mouth...

7.I f u had to make an apology,to whom it would be and why ?

Someone..too personal to disclose.

8.Which has been your greatest extravagance?

 Its always FOOD..

9.What's the one thing you want the most ?


10.Which is the sexiest word in English language ?

SHOWTIME..don't ask me why...

11.When was the last time you cried ?

Its very easy for me to cry..well it was couple days back while watching a movie.

12.What do you do when you are really angry ?

Scream & throw things at people... hahaha

13.What's the worst thing anyone has said to u ?

People are ruthless they say nasty things all the time but who cares....

14.What's the nicest thing anyone has said to u ?

I don't know when people are being genuine or i don't take these things seriously.

15.Are you better film maker or a better video coreographer ?

I would like to believe i am good at both..its upto u guys to decide.

16.What keeps you going on crisis?

My positive attitude..that's my biggest asset.

17.Which book have you read most often?

It has to be Paulo coelho's The alchemist..or The street car named desire by Tenesse Williams

18.Which book have you fineshed most recent?


19.Does the body rule the mind or the mind rule the body ?

In my case it has to be my heart.

20.What won't you joke about ?

Work, religion & sexual oreintation.

21.Three things you recall most about your upbringing ?

 Love, R.D.Burman's music and lavish lifestyle which i wished i had now.

22.What do u regret most in life ?

Not being able to play a musical instrument.

23.What's the best thing about being ALOK NEMBANG?

Make movies....

24.What's the best gift your friends have given you ?

I cherish and value anything that people give me..

25.How easy is it for you to cope with depression ?

Remember the line "this too shall pass"

26.What's your idea of a perfect,romantic day ?

What romantic??? who??? me???

27.Three turns-offs?

People, people, people...i m seriuos..

28.What is the most attarctive quality about a woman ?


29.Which is the best way to say Good-Bye ?

I don't like good byes...

30.How would you describe yourself to some one you didn't know ?

 I'm very complicated...

31.How would you like people to describe you ?

I don"t mind being called complicated...

32.Do you belive in God ?

Yes i do... Infact I frequently go to Karya Vinyak temple...i really feel the connection with this particular God.

33. If you could ask God one question what would it be ?

Why are humans soo messed up?

34.Do angles exist ?

 I believe they do.

35.Who is the one person who has influnced you the most ?

I would not say a person but nature has really been my source of inspiration.

36.What does friendship mean to you ?

Something that comes with a expiration date..

37.If you were allowed just one letter, to whom and about what would it be ?

 To myself..about what i really need to do to be able to learn the ways of the world.

38.What does success mean to you and how important is it?

Success is very subjective...very temporary..but it make you feel good.

39.What's the cutest thing about you ?

 Cute & me???? are you kidding.

40.What are you most terrified of being remembered as?

Once you are gone you are gone...does that really matter.

41.To your Viewers....

Well..i really appreciate the kind of support you all have given me..In my 12 year long career i have been in touch with you all through my work and its been a very fulfilling journey. Hope you will always be there for me. My second directorial venture KOHI...MERO will come out in fews months time & i sincerly hope you all will watch it and give me your feedbacks. Thanks much...