Climate Chnage Video Competition by Himal Association is finally realesing top three finalists and special jury mention (by midnight or tomorrow morning - i heard) .
The last 24 hours have been most traumatic. In fact this afternoon I had written a post which I was just about to write focusing only my film , and then it didn't endup to the desirous one but concluded as my angest and frustration to the government too. I am emotionally totally drained. Just going to wait for your response now.
With the entrant of 124 films in CLIMATE CHANGE video challenge ,it is sheer proved Nepali film will see many a film makers within five years from now. I request and call all the senior film makers,associates and NEPAL FILM DEVELOPMENT COMPANY to take an agressive iniceatives of traning,intractions etc. If we don't do this by now we won't b doing this forever.
keep in touch folksJAI CINEMA
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