2nd September (yesterday) was the screening of FACE THE DEATH in JHAPA for the Youth volunteers of Nepal Red cross. There were about 200 members, mostly native I think, and I was curious to see the response of my native audience to what we had made. But since i was not there,few of my pal made arragements of screening. And here in kathmandu i was enjoying voice chat and cam service instantly.
First of all, it was not in a cinema hall but in a conference room so the acoustics were not good, and it was a DVD projection. Ashutosh, the projectionist, was really sweet and had done his best in the circumstances. As the lights dimmed out my friends might felt the nervousness. Tere were people who know all about Climate change and work in the field of learning all possible remedies. Also, whenever I watch my work around a week after it has released I usually hate it, and this time was no different. As the film played out I kept squirming, wishing I could disappear into a world unknown. Frozen, i felt millions of chill running down my spine.
"And then finally the film got over and the lights came on….. to an ABSOLUTELY THUNDEROUS STANDING OVATION" said Pralad, the event manager.
My God it was so moving. I was so overwhelmed. Then I came forward for the Q&A and heard the voices treambling down the cheeks of the audience. I can’t tell you how happy I was to hear so many people whispered! Needless to say I was part of them, I cry at the drop of a hat. And here were people from all over JHAPA who had dedicated their lives to helping poor with many difficulties. I was so glad that Red cross had chosen to screen FACE THE DEATH at their annual conference, and that I was able to make it to my own home town. And I felt so blessed to be part of a film that touches people so deeply.
Everyone just loved the film and it had struck a really deep chord. In fact the reaction was exactly as it had been with audiences back in Kathmandu. It really amazes me how people from all across the world react to some films in pretty much the same way, which reaffirms the fact of how similar we all are no matter which part of the globe we come from.
The subject struck once again and won all hearts. The story and screenplay were unanimously appreciated as were all the other aspects of the film. The visual and sound were especially loved and everyone wanted to know more about these technical aspect, especially.
All of them wanted to know when my own independent film would release in theatres . On being told that i have already been doing film (as an assistant) here they all insisted that i should come as an indepent director as my own . One of the interesting points which came out of the Q&A was the request from the audience to make a serial that touches the chord. They felt, and rightly so, that they wanted their children, friends and family to see the cliamte change film and were afraid that Climate change will endup making us all a rotten . So I’m going to talk more into that.
Well, you can imagine that I didn’t get much sleep last night. So on the night of the 2nd september (yesterday) there was at least one person who was sleepless in city, and this time it wasn’t a politician but an aspiring FILM-MAKER.
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