1. To begin with, why did you choose to make an out and out action thriller B: 16?
Hmm...Way back to one and a half year, i was toying this idea of two best friends who look thick in friendship,but have their different ideology and approach to things. And the very idea then carried lots of thrills and actions.Hmm.. we all in the team felt that the subject should be done and that's how we end up making BATCH NO.16 today.
2. Before we get started on B:16, tell us, is it true you're planning a quick with Saugat Malla and Arpan Thapa?
Yes that’s very correct, My next project is THAMEL, Arpan and Saugat are the best choice for the characters,no question about it.
3. What does B:16 mean to you?
Frankly speaking “Batch no 16” at this moment is every thing to me. If i look back upon the time i conceived it; it was more like a story i would have love to done. And if it has to be in futuristic sense, this is a film i would always cherish for all the toils,pain and hard work I've put into. In terms of emotion and attachment, it's more like my first borne child.
4. Did you go on any research since the film is based on APF mould?
Well in that case I have gone through a whole lot of research while writing it and some rounds of meetings followed then. I had to convince high level personal and I really receive a full support.
5. We've learnt you are a good scriptwriter too, don’t you feel that there's a paucity of good scripts going around?
Very true. This is what lacking behind for sure. Screenplay is considered as a blue print of any film, so if we go to floor without any strength on paper then we wont be able to put out effective cinema on celluloid OR there are lot of chances to get out of track. Screenplay plays a major role in film making, which has to be taken very seriously. Very Very seriously, in fact.
6.Does it excite you that the industry people think of you as one of the most exciting directors to work with today?
OH that's a big compliment, and a huge burden of responsibility,obviously! Hmm..personally, I am very excited to be a part of Nepali industry and I am damn determined to work in a very professional manner and I exactly know what that means.
7. B:16's promos and posters are a huge hit in the audience. Did you anticipate such an overwhelming audience reaction?
See,It’s very simple- it’s just a presentation & that’s all. The way we have come up with the promo and the way the poster has been designed, we have just followed the genre & mood of the movie. Promo and poster are the effective two element, which represent your product. And I'm getting very feel good messages outside and inside industry. Touch wood!
8.What sort of films do you like?
There is no such movie I don’t like . Moreover I enjoy watching action & thriller.
9.What is the most irritating question you're being asked these days?
Do u think B-16 will be hit?
10. Is there any recent film you've seen that made you go,’ I wish I'd conceived that'?
I can't new one or two...There are so many.
Your takes on:
Suman Singh needs to work on : film he takes
Arpan Thapa's weakness : too much into project.
One interesting fact about Ruby Bhattarai: she is unmarried.
Sushma Karki's sex appeal : The way she dresses for sure.
i have seen yrs inter views on tv then im very expeceted with u nin a nepali film industry...............